Friday, January 31, 2014

Jump Into January

It is hard to jump into school work after the holidays, especially experiencing the enjoyment of singing Christmas songs, eating pie, making decorations and more.  How do you refocus distracted kids?  Well treat it like a new school year!  Review what they have learned and get creative ;)

So we did activities on Winter, what they did over vacation and on New Year Revolutions.

We jump right into Arts & Crafts!  The boys favorite part.  Since the boys love SNOW we read books about snowmen such as "Snowmen at Work" by Carayln Buehner.  All are crafts is all about winter. The boys made a Mitten Wreath, painted Snowmen using q-tips, 



Sunday, December 22, 2013

Happy Holidays

This is the time of the year the boys are very excited and distracted because of a certain jolly fellow  SANTA!  What can this Home School Parent do to keep two children in the spectrum focus on learning?  Have every craft, worksheets, books and projects wrap around Christmas and Winter.

Circle Time

Songs   Sing Christmas Carols, Songs about Snowmen, Rudolph and Santa.  Sometimes throw in the Days of the Week song or Number songs.  Super Simple Songs is one of the kids' favorite YouTube Channel!

Story  There are tons of fun books themed with Winter and The Holiday Spirit!  Books have to be chosen wisely.  These boys are easily bored if the story and illustration does not grab them.  We read so many books this December.  5 top books they LOVED:  "The Christmas Crocodile", "How Do Dinosaurs Say Merry Christmas", "I've Seen Santa" and "Who Will Help Santa This Year?"

Arts & Crafts
Crafts have to be creative, fun and easy!  Too many steps and the kids become bored and frustrated.  Some of the crafts related to the books we have read.  They made Christmas Crocodile Puppets.  Some of the crafts were just winter theme or made holiday decorations to hang around the house.  The boys and their cousin had a blast with their crafts ; )

Physical Education
Play in the snow and go for a hike when you can while the kids wear their Holiday Hats. ; ) Building a Snowman is also great exercise!

Maine Studies
This Month the boys learned facts about Maine such as Maine is known as "The Pine Tree State" and Maine's motto is "Digiro" (I lead) and identifying the state's shape.  We were trying to look for books about Maine and we ran across this book "Santa is coming to Maine".  The boys LOVE it and it fit well with our December curriculum.

*BLOG Background collaboration thanks to HarperFinch clip-art and more*

Monday, December 2, 2013

The Thankful Month

This is the month that we give thanks!  The boys said they are thankful for Family, Friends and Pizza.  Though we learned about Thanksgiving there was more to November then just the Holiday.  November is also Native American Heritage Month.  The boys learned about different tribal dances, symbols and more.





Saturday, November 9, 2013

October & Halloween

I apologize that my post is a little behind.  October just blew right by us ;D  Though we have exciting things happening in the Month of November, let’s rewind and share the fun Homeschool Activities the boys did in October!

October is the Boys favorite Month!  Fall leaves, perfect weather, pumpkins, apples and Halloween all their favorite things they love and enjoy.   A perfect theme to teach science, colors, math and more!


The boys Physical Education was mostly spent outside, walks, hikes and playing at the park.  With hiking you can also include two other subjects: Science and Maine Studies!